到了該介紹美食給各位愛吃的朋友們了! 最近我的鄰居推薦給我一間在台北市大直剛開幕約莫三周的甜點吧-- Yellow Lemon
透明的窗戶, 明亮的燈, 以及清新的顏色... 似乎都散發著猶如檸檬的清香呢 

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on boat  

在上一篇有提及民宿主人有船這件事情吧? 民宿主人說他的船是可以出租的, 於是我們就跟他租了1個小時.

On the last article I have mentioned about our host has a boat right? The host told us his boat is for rent out, therefore we rent it for an hour.  

他還我們說: 你們確定一個小時夠嗎? 我怕你們開不回來.. 哈哈

He said to us: Are you sure an hour is enough for you? I'm afraid you can't get yourself back here.. ha ha 

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從阿姆斯福特離開前往下一個地點: 羊角村!

Leaving from Amersfoort to the next stop: Giethoorn

搭乘火車從Amersfoort Vathorst火車站到達Zwolle火車站, 接著從Zwolle車站轉車Steenwijk車站. 到站後搭乘70號公車約莫10分鐘抵達Giethoorn.

Takaing the train from Amersfoort Vathorst train station to Zwolle train station transfer to Steenwijk train station, after arriving Steenwijk staion take bus 70,it cost about 10 minutes than will arrive Giethoorn. 


Total cost about 1 hour and 50 minutes from Amersfoort to Giethoorn.

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從阿姆斯福特前往贊斯堡路線: Amersfoort至Amsterdam Central轉乘, Amsterdam Central至Koog-Zaandjik. 

Route from Amersfoort to Zaanse village: 1. Take the train from Amersfoort to Amsterdam Central station to transfer.

                                                                  2. Take the train from Amsterdam Central to Koog-Zaandjik station 

時間耗費約莫1個小時, 從Amersfoort到Amsterdam是 33分鐘左右, 再從Amsterdam Central至Koog-Zaandjik是16分左右. 

It cost just about an hour, from Amersfoort to Amsterdam Central is about 33 minutes, than from Amsterdam Central to Koog-Zaadijk is about 16 minutes. 

抵達Koog-Zaandjik後, 可步行至Zaanse Schans(風車村). 

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拖了好久都沒有更新我的部落格真的很對不起大家~ 在這邊先跟大家說聲不好意思...

I'm very sorry about have not update my blog for a while~ I am terribly sorry about it...

好! 我們來切入主題吧 :) 今天要介紹的是-荷蘭的庫肯霍夫花園唷~

OK! Let's jump into the main thing :) I am going to introduce is Keukenhof Garden, Netherlands.

剛下飛機, 因為行李箱實在太大了加上機場的寄放箱沒有位子, 我們一行人就拖著行李去花園了...

Just landed but we have no where to leave our luggages in the lockers at the airport as our luggages are too big and there are no spare lockers... We have to carry the luggages with us to Kuekenhof Garden...  

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考完模考了, 當然是要離開平時學習的環境好好放鬆啦... 所以安妮和朋友就計劃要去牛津逛街玩耍!

After assessment week, is time to have some fun in another place which is not Torquay... so we decided to go to Oxford and shopping! 

因為最近英國西南部不斷經歷風暴, 淹水淹的太嚴重了, 把托基到艾克賽特的鐵路底下的地基給沖毀了.... 所以有一段路程都是要改為巴士代替, 增加了我們的時間啊 :(

Because of the storms we have experienced in the UK caused terrible floods. It has damaged the railway in Dawlish which is between Torquay and Exeter... We need to take the coach instead this increased the time taken for our journey :( 


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朋友來到了托基, 住在這邊一年半的我自然而然成為了地陪呀~~  第一反應馬上就是要帶我朋友來吃英國西南部有名的"下午茶/Cream tea" 

看見這一桌豐盛的茶點沒有啊 ^_^ 沒錯, 我們三個人點了一個這樣的套餐... 真的吃得超飽的 :p 

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我個人覺得必點的是他們的私家司康, 因為都是他們手工做的..... 是愛心形狀的噢~ 是不是超有愛的 (heart) 

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早晨的雪景, 可以更清楚看見水之教堂是如何與大自然結合在一起! 我決定要好好享受最後在日本的最後一個充滿雪景的早晨...

The snow scene in the morning, you cal tell how great is the water chapel fit in with the nature! I decided to enjoy my last morning full of snow in Japan.....  


トマム早上的景色更是令我驚豔, 因為晚上其實無法看清雪景是如此美麗動人.... 難怪會有許多滑雪客都要專程來這邊滑雪!! 整個度假村就是被雪, 樹木包圍著. 可以盡情享受大自然, 讓平時庸庸碌碌的人群靜下心來好好與自己相處! 

The morning scene in Tomamu amazed me more because at night I could not see it clear how incredible the snow scene was like.... no wonder there are so many people were here just for skiing!! The whole reosrt were surrounding by snow and trees. Let us have an opportunity to get closer to ourselves, listen to our own voice!

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下午吃完了帶广車站內的豬排丼/豚丼後, 就搭乘JR從帶广離開到トマム( Tomamu) 星野度假村. 當時下了車, 馬上就有熱情的司機來接我們.... 一開始我非常的懷疑, 他怎麼知道我們是誰?? 

After we had pork bowl/ pork rice, left Obihiro to Tomamu by JR. When we arrived, the shuttle bus driver was so nice and friendly welcoming us... at the beginning, I was wondering how did he know who we are?? 

後來左思右想的, 恩... 我的推測是, トマム 這個站其實是專門給要到星野度假村的客人們使用的車站. 星野度假村的專屬車站噎, 多棒啊!! 

After a while, my answer is that Tomamu station is the station for Tomamu holiday resort, only those are staying in Tomamu holiday Resort will be at the station. The station special for Tomamu holiday resort, how cool is that!!


當我們抵達度假村時, 度假村充滿著聖誕節的氣氛呢.... 許多客人是專程來滑雪的!  我們是來做個場地勘察以及參觀安藤忠雄大師的水之教堂, 有機會就會來這邊滑雪~

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辦理退房手續後, 搭乘著飯店提供道帶広的飯店接駁巴士到了帶広火車站/帶広駅 (要記得先預定飯店的接駁巴士喔!!!) 

After checking out, we took the shuttle bus from Akan Lake Tsuruga Resort Spa to Obihiro station (remember to book the shuttle bus in advanced!!) 



將行李寄放在帶广火車站後, 看著地圖我們找到了六花亭的本店, 因為聽說有好吃的奶油酥卷只在六花亭本店內專賣的..... 我們一定要來嘗試嘗試!!

We left our luggage with the lockers in Obihiro train station, looked up the map to find the rokkatei main shop to find their famous butter roll, and only sells in their main shop.... we need to try out for sure!!!

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早晨, 用完早餐後. 我和我可愛的媽咪就跑到鶴雅飯店的外頭去探探早晨飯店外的景色. (是在飯店內喔)

After finishing breakfast, I went out with my cute mother to have a look the view outside the hotel (All this photos are taken within the hotel area)


看看白白綿綿的雪鋪滿了整個地上以及木橋, 是不是很有畫意? 一點也不覺得是在現實世界中. 反而像是置身在美麗的童話世界中 

look at the white snow filled up the ground and on the wooden-birdge, don't you think it looks like a piece of art work? Does not feeling it is the reality, instead feels like I am right in the fairytail


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看看這位老先生, 表演狐狸們疊疊樂給我們看呢! 因為這樣, 把我們給吸引住了.... 很自動的雙腳, 走進了他的店轉轉~

Look at this man, showing us the foxes jenga! Because we were attracted by this amazing thing, we went into his hand made shop to have a look~


看著那位老先生深情地注視著每一個他的手作寶寶, 自信的跟我們展現他手作出來的小狐狸們平衡感多好... 第一隻是僅用一張紙支撐住的噢! 是不是真的覺得老木匠的手藝很細膩呢?

That old carpenter looked at his every single work with a warm and love feeling, confidently showing how great can his little foxes balance.... the fist fox was balanced by one piece of paper! Don't you think this old carpenter's art craft is fine and smooth? 

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參觀完了濕源展望臺與鶴見臺後,  搭乘著"阿寒湖鶴雅休閒度假溫泉"提供的飯店巴士, 從釧路市前往阿寒湖. 

After visiting Kushiro-shitsugen Kokuritsu Kõen and crane village, we took the shuttle bus provided by "Lake Akan Tsuruga Resort Spa" to Akan Lake.  

飯店內還有一些非常日本風味的造景, 真的是有來到了溫泉飯店的感覺.... 一整個就是非常的放鬆! 

In the Hotel, there are many typical japanese decorations, really have the feeling of entring to a Resort Spa Hotel... RELAX is the only thing I can say! 


在辦理入住手續之後, 會有服務人員替住客們推行李到他們的房間. 連服務人員的穿著都是很道地日式的服裝. 是不是很可愛呢? 

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從釧路濕源展望台離開後, 前往下個景點- 鶴見臺/鶴居村

Leaving Kushiro shitsugen kokuritsu koen to Crane village 


為了不驚動鶴群, 拍照切忌不要用閃光燈噢 :) 可惜雪下得不夠多, 不然整個場面會更加動人美麗阿...

In order not to scare the cranes, remember no flash while taking photos :) Such a pity that the snow was not thick enough, otherwise the view will be more beautiful...


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早上走完幣舞橋後, 回到飯店吃完早餐. 整裝待發前往一些觀光地區, 日本的公共交通工具真的是非常的發達. 我們就搭乘他們的一般巴士, 到了釧路的濕源展望台.

After visiting Nusamai Bridge in the morning and finishing breakfast in the hotel. We were ready for some travelling. The public transport in Japan is really convenient, we took their bus and went around visitng, first stop- Kushiro Shitsugen Kokuritsu Koen 

不過第一點是我們來得太早, 他們還沒有開. 所以就在外頭先拍拍照....

But we arrived a bit too early, it hasn't open yet... so we took some photos around it....

很殘念的, 我們似乎來錯了季節.... 冬天來, 只有一片白茫茫的雪可以看, 什麼也看不見阿.

Sadly, we seems to come in the wrong season... Winter, is only a ground of white snow... can see nothing.

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