目前分類:日本-近畿地方/兵庫縣(Japan-KinkiChihou/Hyogo-ken) (2)

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想要一次享用多樣甜點的朋友們! 福利來了喔~ 

For those who love to taste many desserts at once! Here is the opportunity~

看見這個可愛造景了嗎? 今天要來介紹的是位在日本兵庫縣的"Es Koyama"

Today I am introducing a bakery "Es Koyama" at Hyogo, Japan!


在戶外排隊的過程當中, 有樹木的遮蔭也不會因為在太陽底下而感到炎熱澆熄購買甜點的慾望喔~ 


ANNIE 時尚妮妮 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


來到日本開始學習日語的生活已經一週了,第一週的週末不知道要去哪裡好,上網搜尋了一下神戶附近的觀光地點,第一個跳出的就是“布引鄉草園” 個人很喜歡接觸各種不同的植物,加上離我所居住的地方不遠,就問了日本朋友是不是要一起去!日本朋友還回我:你怎麼知道的?我住神戶那麼久,我還不知道有這樣一個秘境可以去。


 It has been a week for my Japanese language course started, I had no idea where should I visit. Looked up on the internet the tourist places around my place "Nunobiki Herb Garden" came up on the top of my research. Personally love to come into contact with plants. I asked my Japanese friends would they want to join my schedule! They said they have lived in Kobe for nearly their life time but hadn't notice such a great place. 

 After arriving shin Kobe station, we were wondering how to get to the place to take rope way up to the garden. We asked the people at the station, finally we arrive at the elevator to get to the entrance for rope way.

Herb park1

ANNIE 時尚妮妮 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



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