拖了好久都沒有更新我的部落格真的很對不起大家~ 在這邊先跟大家說聲不好意思...

I'm very sorry about have not update my blog for a while~ I am terribly sorry about it...

好! 我們來切入主題吧 :) 今天要介紹的是-荷蘭的庫肯霍夫花園唷~

OK! Let's jump into the main thing :) I am going to introduce is Keukenhof Garden, Netherlands.

剛下飛機, 因為行李箱實在太大了加上機場的寄放箱沒有位子, 我們一行人就拖著行李去花園了...

Just landed but we have no where to leave our luggages in the lockers at the airport as our luggages are too big and there are no spare lockers... We have to carry the luggages with us to Kuekenhof Garden...  

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