
其實安妮的北海道之旅是從12月10號開始的, 不過因為前幾日都是在Club Med滑雪. 安妮就不多作介紹~

Actually Annie's Hokkaido trip started from the 10th of December, but the first four days I was skiing in Club med. 

14日早上8點左右, 安妮和媽媽提著行李.準備離開club med前往我們的下一站-釧路. 搭乘club med提供的接駁車, 來到了新得車站.

About 8 o'clock in the morning on the 14th of December, my mother and I carried our luggage left club med to our next stop-Kushiro. Taking the shuttle bus provided by club med to shintoku station.

讓大家看一下新得車站的美景~ 下雪了真的很美....

Let us have a look the beautiful view of shintoku station~ the view is so nice with the white snow... 


安妮不得不說, 日本的高鐵(JR)真的很方便, 雖然我們沒有租車, 一樣可以自由行! 

Annie has to say that the train(JR) in Japan is really convenient, we still can organise our own trip without renting a car!

坐了約莫2個小時的火車, 終於從新得到了釧路...  

It took us about 2 hours on the train from Shintoku to Kushiro... 

這次我們訂的飯店就在火車站附近步行5分鐘的地點, 是一間商務旅館... 價格親民又交通方便! (comfort hotel) 

Our hotel is about 5 minutes walk from Kushiro train station, the hotel is kind of a budget hotel, usually for people who are on business trip! The price of the hotel is pretty cheap and the location is really good! (Comfort Hotel) 

完成了check-in 手續之後, 我們決定要去享受日本最有名的"溫泉"

Finishing check-in, we decided to enjoy the most famous thing in Japan- Hot spring

這次從釧路搭車到"山花溫泉" 是一間飯店的溫泉, 車程加上泡湯入場券的費用是1600日幣 

the plan we choose was taking the bus from Kushiro-shi to Yamahana onsen hotel, the fee is 1600 yen including transportation and the entrance to hot spring

一路上欣賞着沿途的風景, 白雪皚皚真的很美....

the view on the way was really nice because of the snow, a ground full of white snow is incredibly beautiful 

抵達"山花溫泉"後, 他們是大眾浴池(日本最普遍見到的) 還有一個戶外的風呂~ 享受着微微的冷風吹拂, 看見片片雪花飄落, 卻是泡着熱熱的溫泉...真的有一種一百分的幸福感 :D

Arriving Yamahana Onsen, their hot spring is the traditional japanese style where everyone is naked (male and female are saperated) the outdoor hot spring was pretty enjoyable. Sitting in the hot spring, enjoying the wind blowing through and seeing the snow falling down~ it was just like in heaven :D

飯店內還提供了休息的地方, 泡完溫泉可以好好的休息一下... 

The hotel also provides a place to rest after bathing in the hot spring...

到了北海道, 一定要品嘗的就是他們的牛奶冰淇淋!!! 所以安妮當然要品嘗一下~

in Hokkaido, one thing you must eat is their milk ice cream! their milk taste really good!!!  

休息完後, 因為隔我們要搭車的時間還有一段距離... 所以我們就到飯店外走走晃晃... 

We went around the hotel after our resting in the hotel because there was still quite a time until our bus arriving.... 

我一看見那堆積厚厚的白雪, 就很開心興奮~ 上一秒我還在雪地裡蹦蹦跳... 

When I saw there was full of white snow, I was really excited~ Jumping up and down, making my foot prints in the snow.....


Next second is like this......


沒錯! 興奮到直接躺在雪地上拍照了!!! 嘿嘿嘿.... 

Yep! too excited and I just lay down on the snow taking photo!! he he....

到了晚餐時間, 我們從飯店步行前往"和商市場"吃北海道的特產"勝手丼"

Dinner time, we walk to "washoichiba" from our hotel to try out "Sheng-shou dong" 

"勝手丼"就是讓我們可以自己挑我們要的配菜/生魚片, 就像這個圖這樣... 很多鮮美的魚兒讓我們挑選

The meaning of "Sheng-shou dong" is to let us to pick up what we want to have in our bowl as the photo shown... so many delicious fish to let us pick!


可能很多西方的朋友還是無法接受吃沒熟的魚.... 哈哈! 可是安妮真心推薦~ 可以嘗試一下  

Maybe many people from the western countries still cannot quite get it why eating raw fishes... but Annie really recommend you guys can try out if you ever visit Japan

日本的生魚片真的沒話說, 又肥又鮮... 真的是讓人口水直流阿 :D  

Sashimi in Japan is really fresh and tasty... let everyone drol 

To be continued....  


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