
下午吃完了帶广車站內的豬排丼/豚丼後, 就搭乘JR從帶广離開到トマム( Tomamu) 星野度假村. 當時下了車, 馬上就有熱情的司機來接我們.... 一開始我非常的懷疑, 他怎麼知道我們是誰?? 

After we had pork bowl/ pork rice, left Obihiro to Tomamu by JR. When we arrived, the shuttle bus driver was so nice and friendly welcoming us... at the beginning, I was wondering how did he know who we are?? 

後來左思右想的, 恩... 我的推測是, トマム 這個站其實是專門給要到星野度假村的客人們使用的車站. 星野度假村的專屬車站噎, 多棒啊!! 

After a while, my answer is that Tomamu station is the station for Tomamu holiday resort, only those are staying in Tomamu holiday Resort will be at the station. The station special for Tomamu holiday resort, how cool is that!!


當我們抵達度假村時, 度假村充滿著聖誕節的氣氛呢.... 許多客人是專程來滑雪的!  我們是來做個場地勘察以及參觀安藤忠雄大師的水之教堂, 有機會就會來這邊滑雪~

When we arrived the resort, the resort filled with the atmosphere of christmas.... many guests are here for skiing! This time, skiing is not our main reason of staying here, we just here to have a look and want to look at the Water Chapel by Ando san.


這邊是星野度假村提供的游泳池, 有人造浪喔!! 感覺很不賴, 不過游泳池的入場費及泡湯的入場費都要另外付費!!

Here is the swimming pool in Tomamu holiday resort, there are artificial waves! It seems nice and fun, the entrance fee for both swimming pool and the hot spring are saperated, do not include in the price paid for the room!! 


享用完晚餐之後, 我和媽媽本來以為從度假村到水之教堂的通道是在室內的, 所以外套帽子什麼都沒有帶在身上, 就拿了相機走出來.... 服務人員還給了我們一盞小燭燈.... 真的很有氣氛, 超棒的! 

Finishing our dinner, my mother and I thought the way from the resort to water chapel is indoor, we did not bring anything like hats or coats with us. We only took the cameras with us and went.... the attendant gave us a little lamp... so nice, can you feel how nice the atmosphere is?  


因為安妮媽很想要替我拍美美的照片, 又是在雪地之中... 很想拍出很優美的畫面啊.....因為實在是太冷了我就和我媽咪拍了幾張就快速閃去水之教堂了. 

Because Annie's mother wanted to take some lovely photo for me, especially is in the snow... really wanted to take some beautiful photos...It was really cold so my mother and I just took a few photos and speeded up our way to the water chapel.


水之教堂, 裡頭和外頭都擺放著蠟燭, 是由工作人員一一擺放. 大家有感受到在教堂裡的寧靜嗎? 是不是和大自然合為一體了呢?

Both inside and outside the water chapel are placed with many candles, they were placed by the attendants. Can you feel the peace inside the chapel? Aren't we become as one of the nature?



我和媽媽等到了人煙逐漸稀少的時候, 趕快抓緊機會在教堂裡享受寧靜, 並且把寧靜的畫面捕捉下來 

We waited until there were not that many people, we had the opportunity to capture the peaceful moment inside the chapel with some photos also enjoying the peaceful moment at the same time 


看著看著, 是不是都想要在這邊辦婚禮的衝動了呢?? 嘿嘿.... 不過啊, 這邊為什麼只開放晚上參觀就是因為早上可能要租任給一些想在這邊辦婚禮的新人噢! 想要在安藤忠雄大師的美麗建築下籌辦婚禮, 記得要預定啊!! 

Are you feeling to get married because of those photos of the chapel? he he... the reason why it only let people visit during evening is because some couple may rent it to get married here during day time! Who wants to get married inside the chapel built by Ando san, remember needs to book in advance!!  


從教堂外頭看進去, 可能因為蠟燭的關係讓人感覺更加莊嚴? 不過很奇妙的讓建築跟大自然結合在一起了!! 

The view from outside the chapel, maybe were because of the candles made me feel it was more solemn? The magic of Ando san make the chapel into one of the nature!!









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