
早晨, 用完早餐後. 我和我可愛的媽咪就跑到鶴雅飯店的外頭去探探早晨飯店外的景色. (是在飯店內喔)

After finishing breakfast, I went out with my cute mother to have a look the view outside the hotel (All this photos are taken within the hotel area)


看看白白綿綿的雪鋪滿了整個地上以及木橋, 是不是很有畫意? 一點也不覺得是在現實世界中. 反而像是置身在美麗的童話世界中 

look at the white snow filled up the ground and on the wooden-birdge, don't you think it looks like a piece of art work? Does not feeling it is the reality, instead feels like I am right in the fairytail


雪自從我們一行人從club med離開後, 從未停止下來與我們見面呢! 而且每天都有愈來愈多的雪花像是期待著跟我們這個世界連結. 真的是超美好的! 

It had not stop snowing since we left club med, everyday there were more snow coming down from above! seems cannot wait to meet our world, so lovely!


真的不得不讚嘆, 鶴雅的溫泉飯店占地面積真的超級大!! 這邊竟然還有石椅石桌可以供人坐(夏天吧) 冬天坐下去, 我看不用三秒鐘, 馬上褲子就濕掉了噢.... 哈哈哈 

Really impressed, the area the hotel covered was pretty large! There are some stone-made chairs and tables for people to rest (in the summer) If you try it in the winter, I dare say that after 3 seconds you need to change your pants..... ha ha ha 


看著這個景象, 真的覺得其實他們都是被畫家畫好的布景, 擺在那邊供遊客拍照呢.... 很寧靜,也別有一番風味喔!

Look at this scene, really thought that it was actually a background painted by the painters for people to take photos... peaceful and also full of a typical japanese atmosphere!




接下來, 以下的照片都是在鶴雅飯店對面一條街走進去, 有一個貌似部落的地方, 雖然兩旁都是商家, 可是真的有一種置身古老部落的感覺喔!!

Below are photos taken at the place opposite the hotel. Following the road straight to the end and look up at your right hand side. There was a place that looks like and feels like an old village though there were some shops at both sides!


一路上走著, 看見許多車輪留下的印記. 下來的時候, 看見了當地日本商家的老闆們在剷門口的雪, 老板人很好, 看見我們馬上作勢讓我們也體驗一下剷雪的感覺... 歐呵呵~~ 很開心的體驗 (當然, 每天剷雪就會習以為常, 所以這種活動... 出去玩的時候體驗體驗就好, 剷雪也是很耗體力的!)

On the way walking to the top, we have seen many tire marks on the snow. On our way back down, we saw the store keepers were removing the snow in front of their shops. When they saw us, they were waving to us and let us try out the feeling of removing snow by the tools... he he~ a really great experience ( well, if removing snow is our day routine it may not be that fun, it is better to experience it while having a trip out.. removing snow is really tiring as well!)


看看雪積得多麼深啊... 約莫也有20公分了, 真的是另一個有趣的經驗呢! 這讓我想起我在大板時也遇過一次下雪, 不過沒有體驗過這麼厚的雪地!! 

Look at the snow, how thik it was... roughly about 20 cm, another speical experience! It reminded me when I met the first snow time in Kyoto, but it did not snow as much as this time!!


看看這對可愛的日本母女黨, 媽媽拖著小朋友在雪地裡滑雪橇, 真的是太可愛了, 太萌了!! 

Look at this mother and daughter, the mother was leading her daughter with the sleigh, how cute was that!!!! 


由這張照片來證明一下, 看看這白雪真的累積的非常的厚. 我都冷到整個鼻子紅起來了呢.... 哈哈哈, 當時在拍這張照片時, 深怕自己的腳整個陷進去, 那可就尷尬了呀

This photo is to proof that how thik the snow was, look at the snow was really thick! I was too cold my nose became super red... While I was taking this photo, I was really scared of my legs will stuck in the snow, that will be pretty embarrassed



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