

早晨的雪景, 可以更清楚看見水之教堂是如何與大自然結合在一起! 我決定要好好享受最後在日本的最後一個充滿雪景的早晨...

The snow scene in the morning, you cal tell how great is the water chapel fit in with the nature! I decided to enjoy my last morning full of snow in Japan.....  


トマム早上的景色更是令我驚豔, 因為晚上其實無法看清雪景是如此美麗動人.... 難怪會有許多滑雪客都要專程來這邊滑雪!! 整個度假村就是被雪, 樹木包圍著. 可以盡情享受大自然, 讓平時庸庸碌碌的人群靜下心來好好與自己相處! 

The morning scene in Tomamu amazed me more because at night I could not see it clear how incredible the snow scene was like.... no wonder there are so many people were here just for skiing!! The whole reosrt were surrounding by snow and trees. Let us have an opportunity to get closer to ourselves, listen to our own voice!

不僅僅享受著滑雪的速度感, 也可以在這個時候吸收一些芬多精?? 

Not just enjoying the sense of speed while skiing but also can absorb phytoncid?? probably... :p


被樹木包圍著的水之教堂, 給新人足夠的隱私.... 感覺真的好優美好舒適喔!! 真的是一個很浪漫的地方啊~

Water chapel surrounded by the trees, gave the couple who are getting married enough privacy... what a graceful, peaceful and romantic place~


這是從我們這次入住的房間看下去的雪景, 這次我們是四人一間, 其實這樣平均下來個人房費不貴.... 因為星野度假村其實是一間不太便宜的飯店啊..... 是不是背後的雪景都讓大家有想要一起來滑雪的衝動呢???

This is the view from our room, this time we have four people sharing the room.. so the price each person paid is not that expensive... because Tomamu is not a cheap hotel....

Does the snow scene make you guys want to join skiing now???  


    ANNIE 時尚妮妮 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()