
考完模考了, 當然是要離開平時學習的環境好好放鬆啦... 所以安妮和朋友就計劃要去牛津逛街玩耍!

After assessment week, is time to have some fun in another place which is not Torquay... so we decided to go to Oxford and shopping! 

因為最近英國西南部不斷經歷風暴, 淹水淹的太嚴重了, 把托基到艾克賽特的鐵路底下的地基給沖毀了.... 所以有一段路程都是要改為巴士代替, 增加了我們的時間啊 :(

Because of the storms we have experienced in the UK caused terrible floods. It has damaged the railway in Dawlish which is between Torquay and Exeter... We need to take the coach instead this increased the time taken for our journey :( 


  到達牛津火車站之後呢, 要往城市中心走去到前往比斯特的巴士站. 有兩台巴士確定會經過比斯特, 分別是X5跟S5. 他們比斯特還有提供專門的接送巴士從倫敦出發, 我建議提早訂票比較安全. 

After arriving at Oxford Rail station you need to walk towards to city centre direction to get to the bus stop to get on the bus which goes to Bicester village. There are two buses that definitely go to bicester village, are X5 and S5. Bicester Village also provide shuttle bus from London to Bicester village. I recommand you book the ticket in advance. 此連結是X5巴士的網站, 如果是當天來回比斯特的話, 我建議直接買來回票大約是£5左右,兩次單趟比較划不來. this link is for X5 bus, if you are visiting bicester village in one day, it is better to buy return ticket which is about £5, two single ways are more expensive than return.



這是我在比斯特買到的戰利品啊... 當然其實我只有買到衣服, 包是替別人買的... 雖然不是當季商品, 不過只要來對時間就可以撿到一些寶物喔 :) 而且有些價錢是讓你無法相信的, 便宜到你無法相信啊... 不過我不建議因為便宜就亂買噢, 還是要看個人需求 :) 

These are what I bought in Bicester Village... actually I only got myself clothes, wallet is I bought for my friend... though things are kind of out of season, but if you are here at the right time you still can get some bargain :) Some you cannot even believe how cheap they are in the outlet... I don't recommand that you just buy them because they are cheap, still need to consider how useful the thing you buy is going ot be :) 



Bicester Village website is below~


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