
拖了好久都沒有更新我的部落格真的很對不起大家~ 在這邊先跟大家說聲不好意思...

I'm very sorry about have not update my blog for a while~ I am terribly sorry about it...

好! 我們來切入主題吧 :) 今天要介紹的是-荷蘭的庫肯霍夫花園唷~

OK! Let's jump into the main thing :) I am going to introduce is Keukenhof Garden, Netherlands.

剛下飛機, 因為行李箱實在太大了加上機場的寄放箱沒有位子, 我們一行人就拖著行李去花園了...

Just landed but we have no where to leave our luggages in the lockers at the airport as our luggages are too big and there are no spare lockers... We have to carry the luggages with us to Kuekenhof Garden...  

從史基浦機場搭乘58公車直達庫肯霍夫花園唷~ 可以在機場買套票. 公車來回+門票大約23歐元(門票16歐元+公車7歐元) 個人覺得買套票很划算喔! 

Taking bus 58 from Schipol airport to Keukenhof Garden, you can get the tickets at the airport. It cost about 23 euro for a return bus ticket and the ticket for the garden which I think it is a very good deal! 


庫肯霍夫花園是個第一次造訪荷蘭的人必去的景點, 從荷蘭的史基浦機場就有直達的專車了. 

Keunkenhof Garden is a must visit place when everyone's first visit in Netherlands, there are buses from Schipol airport to Kunkenhof Garden directly.


 一抵達庫肯霍夫花園我們就看見滿滿的都是來參訪的人們,  人山人海呀!! 看到這樣子的畫面讓我更加興奮了!! 

Arrived at Keukenhof Garden we met this crowd!! This made me more excited about visiting the Garden!!

能吸引到這麼多人來參訪, 肯定是個美麗的仙境 :)

A place that could attracted so many people to visit, must be a place like a fairytale! 



從遠處看到這一條蜿蜒的小渠道, 讓我情不自禁地想要多靠近他一點看看裡頭到底有什麼?!

From far away I saw a little river, that made me want to get closer to have a look what is inside?!

沒有想到的是, 原來這是花叢呀!! 是花兒們排列蜿蜒如同溪流般讓人在遠處看見以為是條小河川呢!!  

What a surprise, it was actually flowers!! Planted like little river making people wonder from afar!!

 太有趣了~ 總覺得會被這群花兒引導到另一個神秘的仙境似的, 看著他蜿蜒沒有止境的路... 

 How interesting it is~ I have thought that I would be guided to another mystery place by those flowers, it looked like an endless river...


在庫肯霍夫花園裡面每一個小角落都能帶給我不同的驚喜呢!! 這些花兒綻放時大概跟一個成人的巴掌一樣大!!

Inside Keukenhof Garden, every little corner gave me different surprise!! When those flowers bloom, it could be as big as an adult's hand!!  



小朋友蹲下來都可以在花叢裡頭玩躲貓貓了呢!! 太可愛了   

I will give out two photos to show how big the flowers are in Keukenhof Garden!!

The kids could play hide-and-seek in the garden, just hiding under those giant flowers! How cute they are    



The introduction of unprofessional blogger ended~~

我很期待大家有機會親自參訪這個花園, 你們會了解到我是多麼的訝異而且無法形容的感覺啊!!! 

I really wish all of you could visit it as you will definitely understand how impressed I was and that is an indescribable feeling!!


另外補充一下, 我們可不是拖著行李逛花園的. 他們已提供行李寄放處~ 很貼心!!

One thing to say, we didn't carry our luggages walking around the garden. They had place with lockers for us to leave our luggage with.  

但我還是建議大家要是可以把行李寄放在機場是最方便的, 因為這樣搭公車也不用太綁手綁腳. :D

However, I would still recommend you all to leave your belongings at the airport lockers as it will be much more convenient to get the buses. :D




English website of Keukenhof Garden:



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