Today Annie went to Plymouth visited her friend, also is a little treat for Annie :)

今天安妮去了普利茅斯造訪朋友, 也是一個小小的獎勵給安妮 :)

Plymouth is a city, at this time close to Christmas, you can see all the Christmas decorations have been put on. Continue the last topic as I mentioned, the 'Black Friday'

普利茅斯是一個城市, 在靠近聖誕節的時間, 你可以看見所有的聖誕節裝飾都會被展示出來. 接續上一篇文章我所提及的'黑色星期五'

which has some influence to the UK as well. However, Annie personally think it is just kind of a promotion for selling more products to the consumers, but you might find some treasures and get some bargain :p Let us begin~

好像對於英國也有一點影響. 不過, 安妮個人的想法是不過是一種商業頭腦把產品銷出去給顧客, 但是你也有可能在這個時候發現一些寶藏獲市值回票價的東西 :p 讓我們開始吧~ 



After met my friend at the front of the train station, we straight away walk into city centre. It was about 12 o'clock, which is kind of a busy time during weekends.

在火車站和我的朋友會合後, 我們就直接往市中心走去. 當時約莫12點, 是週末最忙碌的時刻了.

I saw many people walking around, the christmas market fair has been built up and waiting for the customers to come around do some shopping.

我看見許多人們走來走去的, 耶誕市場也已經被建成等著客人們上門消費.

My friend, Jane and I decided to walk around first and see where we really wanted to go. The most thing that made my day was that I found "shake away" it is a milk shake shop, you can either create your own milk shake or you can have any on the list in their store.

我朋友,Jane和我決定先在附近晃晃, 然後決定我們要去哪裡. 今日讓我最開心的第一件事情發生了, 我找到'shake away' 一間專門在賣奶昔的店鋪, 你可以自己選擇自己要的內容物, 或者是可以從他們提供的清單上選擇奶昔噢. 

The reason of why the milk shake shop made my day was because that when I first had it, I was in Winchester spending my last day with my friends of our gathering. And the milke shake shop reminded me the day though we are apart from each other now.

為何這間奶昔店讓我如此興奮, 是因為這讓我回想起在我第一次喝到奶昔,也是我和我的朋友在溫撤思特的最後一日. 

milk shake shake away



The main thing of most girls do is "shopping" especially when we are in a bigger city, there are many shops to explore... ha ha!

女生們最常做的事情就是" 逛街/購物" 尤其在大城市當然不可以錯過阿, 那麼多新奇的店等著我們去探險.... 哈哈!


So obviously, Jane and I went shopping as well. The first thing poped into my mind was that to find a dress for the school's Christmas party for next week, so we went into a shop that mainly sell dresses, sadly we did not find any suitable dress at all.


想當然, Jane和我當然也去購物啦. 第一件事情就是要去找一件下週聖誕節派對的禮服, 所以我們就先衝進了一間專門賣小禮服的店家... 很可惜的是我們並沒有找到適合的禮服. 

Then we just hanging around the shopping mall in Plymouth (located right next to the University of Plymouth) 

然後我們就在那個購物商場裡頭亂晃 (就在普利茅斯大學的旁邊)

As the result of we have got nothing out from the shopping mall, we decided to go on the high street in Plymouth to have a look. Luckly, we went into a shop called "miss selfridge" full of ladies/ young girls outfits, and thanks to the 'Black Friday' event, Annit got a bargain of buy one get one free.

在那個購物商場裡頭我們什麼都沒有找到, 所以我們決定到普利茅斯的大街上去逛逛. 幸運地,我們進去了一間店叫"miss selfridge" 它專門賣女士/年輕女生的衣服, 也感恩因為’黑色星期五‘的促銷活動,安妮我得到買一送一的優惠.


Annie bought 2 skirts for just £12, which is about NTD 600. You can see how girls go shopping, the reason of why girls may always have more shopping bags than boys :p Because we do not have a target things to buy, we just buy while we are shopping as well..... (however this may not apply to everyone)

安妮買了兩條裙子只要£12鎊, 約莫600新臺幣. 從這點大概可以看出女生是怎麼購物的,  為何女生總有比男生更多的購物袋 :p 因為我們沒有指定一個目標然後買, 而是邊逛邊買.... (不過這可能不適用於每個人)


Afterwards we went to 'TKmaxx' a shop that sells some luxury goods but in a cheaper price because of they might be seasonal, or even just a small scratch on them. Which is sometimes a good place to find some valuable things with a little price! In TKMaxx, I finally found the dress that I am going to wear for the Christmas party, how exciting is that~ 

之後我們去了TKmaxx, 另一間電視專門在賣一些比要高品質或者是說有牌子但是賣的價位不高, 因為可能是過祭品或是有一點瑕疵. 不過有時候是個好地方挖寶呢! 在TKmaxx 我找到了我下週要去參加聖誕派對的禮服了~好興奮有沒有 :)

Finishing the main job, Annie can start to have some fun! So yeah~ I had some fun! I decided to go into a shop called " build-a-bear workshop" as it said, we need to build a bear by ourselves. However, it may not be as complicated as we usually think, basically you just pick a type of doll you like from the toys they provide.

完成了主要目標之後, 安妮當然開始要玩樂! 所以我決定到一間店裡叫" build-a-bear workshop"如同店名, 我們可以自己創作一只屬於我們的熊. 不過, 並沒有大家想象的𥹉複雜噢, 我們只需要先選擇我們要的玩偶的外形.


Secondally, listen to the songs if you would like your bear/bunny/cat to installed in them. Adter that is the filling part, we just step on the padle and to fill the fill-in into the toy. 

第二步驟, 聽一聽他們給的音樂, 如果你想要你的小熊,兔子或是貓咪會唱歌, 你可以選一個起來. 再來就是準備幫你的小熊加入填充物, 我們客人要做的動作就是踩踏板, 採的時候他們會把棉絮衝進你的小熊歐




See~ even the staffs have something really interesting to do "carrying a santa on their back" because IT IS CHRISTMAS  after we did the stuff in part, we can go and print a birth certificate (free of charge) for our babies!!!! 

你們快看看, 在這裡工作的員工也有很有趣的事情意做, 身上背着聖誕老人的玩偶歐! 因為是"聖誕節"嘛! 在填充玩自己的玩偶後, 還可以幫他們印出生證明噢~ (免費的)




See my baby teddy!!! 


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