
接續着上一篇介紹一下"和商市場" 叫做市場肯定是有交易買賣的, 不過賣什麼呢? 

continue from the last article about washoichiba market, it called "market" for a reason because it sells things! But what does it sell??

 恩.... 大家都很聰明, 記得我上一篇講過我們在那邊享用了美味的"勝手丼"所以馬上就聯想到了海產! 

hm.. yes! I think everyone is pretty bright, I remember I mentioned in last article we went to have "sheng-shou dong" so everyone must have thought the market sells seafood! 

 沒錯~ 他們不僅賣新鮮的魚貨任君挑選去搭配自己的"勝手丼"外, 還有單賣魚貨讓當地人可以買回家自己料理. 

Y'all dead right! There are not only seafood for you to pick for your meal, but also you can buy them back to your house and cook it yourselves.

 將將~~ 來欣賞一下吧! 

ta da~~~ let you guys have a look.


這麼多肥美的生魚片.... 任君挑選噢 (不過真的使用者付費啦.. 挑多少算多少)

Look at those shashimi... you can pick as many as you want ( of course you are going to pay for it..) 

真的是新鮮的魚貨, 可以嚐到那大海的味道! 

Those are really fresh seafood, you can taste the flavour of the ocean! 


這個是安妮自己點的"勝手丼"我大概花了1800日幣包含一碗味噌湯.... 其實不太便宜, 不過真的要體驗一下 ;) 

This Sheng-shou dong is made by Annie, myself. I spent about 1800Yen (£12) including one bowl of miso soup... it is not extremely cheap, but you really need to try out ;) 

這些美麗的花朵, 是用什麼做的呢?  可以拿來當擺飾耶~ 真棒! 大家來猜猜看, 這些美麗的花朵到底是用什麼做的呢??? 

Look at these beautiful flower, what are they made from? You can use it as a decoration~ so cool! Have a guess, what are those beautiful flower made from??

答案會被公佈在底下, 不過我還是希望大家可以踴躍的考考自己的大腦, 動動腦筋~  

The answer will be showed below, but I hope everyone can have a guess of it! USE YOUR BRAINS~



he he he...

其實那些花朵是"昆布"做成的噢~ 它是"昆布"旁邊的捲區部分做成的! 

Actually those flowers are made from "seaweed" 


Aren't they cute and also creative?

日本人真的是腦筋跟手腳都很細膩! 令人佩服阿...... 

Japanese are really cleaver somehow! 


"和商市場"真的賣的不只是 新鮮的海產, 還有乾燥的海產紀念品.... 

"Washoichiba market" not only sells fresh seafood product, also some dry seafood products....


當然他們還有賣日本的一些特色土產像是"干貝糖, 魷魚絲..... 等等" 

Their local produces are also sold in the market!

下面是"和商市場"的地圖, 希望對想要自己去造訪"和商市場"的朋友們有所幫助喔 ^.^b

The picture below is the map of washoichiba market. Hope that will help to you guys who are going to visit the market in person ^.^b



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