
看看這位老先生, 表演狐狸們疊疊樂給我們看呢! 因為這樣, 把我們給吸引住了.... 很自動的雙腳, 走進了他的店轉轉~

Look at this man, showing us the foxes jenga! Because we were attracted by this amazing thing, we went into his hand made shop to have a look~


看著那位老先生深情地注視著每一個他的手作寶寶, 自信的跟我們展現他手作出來的小狐狸們平衡感多好... 第一隻是僅用一張紙支撐住的噢! 是不是真的覺得老木匠的手藝很細膩呢?

That old carpenter looked at his every single work with a warm and love feeling, confidently showing how great can his little foxes balance.... the fist fox was balanced by one piece of paper! Don't you think this old carpenter's art craft is fine and smooth? 


之後安妮和一位導遊朋友分享之後, 才發現他是有名的北海道"木雕達人" 我當然也被他精巧的手藝驚嘆不已, 也和他買了3隻小狐狸回家當擺飾品呢! 而且, 他的狐狸還有鬍鬚喔~ 是不是真的手法很細緻呢? 

After Annie shared some photos with a friend who is a tour guide, he told me the old carpenter is really famous.... Of course I bought something from him due to the great crafting technique! I bought 3 little foxes back to my house for decorations! The foxes even have mustache, see how fine his crafting was! 


 這邊還有一些他的其他作品, 真的是令我讚嘆不已啊, 老木匠和我說他做了30年噎~ 真的是要有那份熱情, 才有辦法這樣堅持下去的吧?? 安妮真的是太佩服他了! 可惜這次行李箱的位子不夠啊, 不然也想搬一隻可愛的兔子回家呢~~

Here are some other works of this old carpenter, it was really unforgettable, I was amazed. The old carpenter told me he has been doing wood craving for 30 years~ really need to get the passion to do this for 30 years! I really admire him! If my luggage is bigger, I would bring one cute rabbit with me home~~

這間,跟其他的店家比起來... 真的好很多, 在阿寒湖的街上, 這間的作品都是老木匠自己一個一個精心雕刻出來的! 非常有質感喔 :D 真心推薦啊!!!

The store is really different form the other stores on the street of Lake Akan, all products in this store are hand-maded by this old carpenter! With his passion and love, I would recommand this store to you all!! :D 


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