
參觀完了濕源展望臺與鶴見臺後,  搭乘著"阿寒湖鶴雅休閒度假溫泉"提供的飯店巴士, 從釧路市前往阿寒湖. 

After visiting Kushiro-shitsugen Kokuritsu Kõen and crane village, we took the shuttle bus provided by "Lake Akan Tsuruga Resort Spa" to Akan Lake.  

飯店內還有一些非常日本風味的造景, 真的是有來到了溫泉飯店的感覺.... 一整個就是非常的放鬆! 

In the Hotel, there are many typical japanese decorations, really have the feeling of entring to a Resort Spa Hotel... RELAX is the only thing I can say! 


在辦理入住手續之後, 會有服務人員替住客們推行李到他們的房間. 連服務人員的穿著都是很道地日式的服裝. 是不是很可愛呢? 

After finishing check-in, the attendants will help the guests take their baggages to their rooms. Even the attendants dressed up in the traditional Japanese custome. Aren't they cute? 


這次我們入住的是"飛翔館" 飯店內有商店街供住客們買買紀念品, 土產...等等 

This time we stayed in "Wings" one of the building of the hotel. There are some stores in the hotel for guests to buy some local produces or souvenirs. 


來到了其中一區, 是"奶油馬鈴薯"區, 這邊蒸好的小馬鈴薯, 沾上一點奶油及鹽巴就可以細細品嘗! 安妮不得不捕捉這個母愛的畫面, 看了真的是要感恩每位母親的悉心照料! 

Here is one of the small part, butter potato. Enjoying the steamed small potatos with a bit butter and some sault! Annie could not helped to take this moment, shows how great love is given by every single mother!  


當然, 我也要跟這個可愛的小馬鈴薯們照張相. 雖然之後我還是讓他們進到我的肚子裡頭... 哈哈哈, 可是真的好美味噢! 北海道的馬鈴薯真的好吃噢~ 雖然我吃膩英國的馬鈴薯.... 

Obviously I need to take a photo with those small potatos. Though I have let some of them into my tummy... ha ha ha. They are so delicious!! The potatos in Hokkaido tasted really good!! Even I am a bit tired of the English potatos... 


飯店的連結走廊, 從飛翔館到另一個館. 中途有許多裝置藝術供我們欣賞喔!!! 

There are some wood statues and some art collections at the corridor connected the two buildings!!


看著水珠由天而降的感覺, 遠看以為是水晶燈... 其實是一顆顆的剔透的水珠從上落下喔!!

Look at the water drops dropping down from above, I thought that was crystal light...  


 到了另一間溫泉會館, 一樣是鶴雅企業的. 有一個溫泉蛋區, 讓住客享受自己煮溫泉蛋的樂趣喔~~ 

Another building is also belongs to Lake Akan Tsuruga Resort Spa. There is another part for guests to experiencing cooking hot spring eggs themselves~  



在溫泉蛋區旁, 還提供鶴雅的紀念章給有興趣的人蓋章留念喔! 安妮對這個完全抵擋不住, 索性全都蓋了! 哈哈哈... 總共有22個章 :D 嘿嘿, 大有斬獲! 

Next to the "hot spring eggs" area, the hotel provided some stamps for who are interested in to stamp on the paper to make some memorible notes! Annie is so in to this, I had them all stamped on the paper provided next to the stamps! There are 22 stamps :D


 簡單的介紹, 鶴雅有好幾個溫泉可以泡, 不過因為溫泉都是裸湯, 所以安妮當然不能拍照囉...  喜愛泡湯的朋友們, 安妮非常的推薦鶴雅的溫泉飯店!!! 

A simple introduction of Lake Akan Tsuruga Resort SPa. There are 2-3 hot springs provided for guests to enjoy! I would personal recommand there to those who love hot springs to Lake Akan Tsuruga Resort Spa!!! 


    ANNIE 時尚妮妮 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()