
早上走完幣舞橋後, 回到飯店吃完早餐. 整裝待發前往一些觀光地區, 日本的公共交通工具真的是非常的發達. 我們就搭乘他們的一般巴士, 到了釧路的濕源展望台.

After visiting Nusamai Bridge in the morning and finishing breakfast in the hotel. We were ready for some travelling. The public transport in Japan is really convenient, we took their bus and went around visitng, first stop- Kushiro Shitsugen Kokuritsu Koen 

不過第一點是我們來得太早, 他們還沒有開. 所以就在外頭先拍拍照....

But we arrived a bit too early, it hasn't open yet... so we took some photos around it....

很殘念的, 我們似乎來錯了季節.... 冬天來, 只有一片白茫茫的雪可以看, 什麼也看不見阿.

Sadly, we seems to come in the wrong season... Winter, is only a ground of white snow... can see nothing.


不過這裡的景色也蠻悠美的, 看見地上白花花的雪.... 真的是很有過冬天的感覺是不是呢? 

But the view from here is also really beautiful, see those white snow on the ground.... pretty much have the feeling of winter though? 


後來.... 我們發現了一個驚人的東西. 在今年5月底的時候, 有"熊"出沒, 所以他們也禁止人們步行參觀.... 把整個通道圍起來了!!!

After that, we found a interesting thing. In may 2013, they found there was bear appeared, so they have block the route to keep people away from it!!


你們看看我發現了什麼??? 沒錯, 小狐狸的小腳印... 真的好可愛喔!!! 雖然都沒有見到本尊, 不過他們留下來的美麗足跡真令人興奮呀~

Look what I have found??? YES, the little footprints from the little fox... super duper cute!!! Though I didn't see the fox, but their footprints has already made me pretty excited~


安妮很無聊的把自己的名字, 用腳給他寫出來... 一開始徒手玩雪一點也不感覺冷... 但是後來真的有點凍到了, 所以改用腳, 反正穿靴子?! 哈哈哈

Annie wrote her name out by her foot.... at the beginning was playing snow with my hands.. but I think I was a bit too cold so I decided to use my foot to write my name out... I have boots so doesn't matter? ha ha 


 恩... 沒錯, 應景的要在門口拍一下有沒有很觀光客阿 :p (阿不是本來就是咩?!?!)

hm...yes, we need to take a photo in fron of the park like a tourist :p ( I thought you were?!?!?!) 


 他們紀念品跟參觀的入口噢~~ 上2樓參觀是要收費的喲!!! 

this is the suvenior and visit entrance~~ it is charged to get to the 2nd floor!!




Kushiro-Shitsugen Kokuritsu Koen introduction finished!!





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