
一早, 安妮和安妮媽媽起了個大早. 打定主意前往"幣舞橋"去走走, 由於前晚的風實在太大了, 就沒有貿然上去.

In the morning, Annie and her mother decided to visit Nusamai bridge because of the wind was too heavy at the night before. We could not risk to go on the bridge.

日本冬季的早晨, 雖然仍然是冷冷的天, 總能感覺到一股很清新的空氣被自己呼吸着! 

The morning of the winter in Japan even though the weather is cold, we still can feel the air that we are breathing is so fresh!

幣舞橋最有名的就是橋上那四個銅像, 分別代表着四季

The most famous things on Nusamai bridge are the four bronze statues, representing the four seasons

稱之為 "四季の像


上圖是安妮和幣舞橋標誌的合影, 讓大家確認真的是來到了幣舞橋噢~ :D 

The picture above is the the bridge and Annie, to prove that Annie really did visit the place in person. :D

下面的四張照片就是分別與四季銅像的合影 :3

The four photos below are with those bronze statues :3


Let us see what those bronze statues have brought you to feel?


"春" Spring

 寧靜詳和, 她靜靜地來到我們的身旁. 如此優雅!

Peaceful, she came to us so quitely, so elegant!


"夏" Summer

輕盈活潑的感覺, 手舞足蹈的慶祝着盛夏的到來!

Lively and bubbly, dancing to celebrate the coming summer! 


 "秋" Autumn

想緊捉着什麼不放, 但是又得往前行... 左右手的前後擺放, 讓人覺得是不想離開上一刻; 但是腳步的移動, 好像又得往下走.

seems to hold on something not letting it go, but somehow needs to move on.... expression by the position of the hands and the legs. Makes me feel that she does not want to leave the last moement; the movement of her legs seems to tell us she needs to move on. 



"冬" Winter

揮舞的雙手, 不只是在表達享受着冬日寒風的吹拂, 還是在抵擋寒冬強風的吻?

Waving hands, do not know is showing that she is enjoying the cold wind in the winter or is trying to prevent the kiss from the winter wind?


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