
辦理退房手續後, 搭乘著飯店提供道帶広的飯店接駁巴士到了帶広火車站/帶広駅 (要記得先預定飯店的接駁巴士喔!!!) 

After checking out, we took the shuttle bus from Akan Lake Tsuruga Resort Spa to Obihiro station (remember to book the shuttle bus in advanced!!) 



將行李寄放在帶广火車站後, 看著地圖我們找到了六花亭的本店, 因為聽說有好吃的奶油酥卷只在六花亭本店內專賣的..... 我們一定要來嘗試嘗試!!

We left our luggage with the lockers in Obihiro train station, looked up the map to find the rokkatei main shop to find their famous butter roll, and only sells in their main shop.... we need to try out for sure!!!


IMG_5368來囉來囉, 來到本店門口了!! 一整個就是既興奮又期待呢. 我第一次吃到六花亭的草莓巧克力是朋友到北海道玩的時候給我帶回來的禮物噢! 所以來到六花亭的本店我格外興奮呢 

Here we go, come to the front of rokkatei mai shop!!! with lots of excitement and imaginations.  My first time knowing Rokkatei was their strewberry chocolate, it was a gift from my friend who came to Hokkaido for travelling! That is why it made me more excited about visiting rokkatei's main shop 


奶油酥卷是左下角的那個喔!! 中間那個是中間包檸檬冰淇淋的, 抱歉我不懂得直接將日文翻成中文/英文, 安妮我的日文還沒有那麼厲害啊.... 發奮圖強2014暑假回去好好學日文了!! 右下角那個中間夾心像是草莓優格. 三個都非常好吃喔! 我超級推薦到本店除了奶油酥卷以外另外的兩個甜點都要點來吃吃看!! 

Butter roll is the one at the left hand side, the middle one was like kind of lemon ice cream with biscuit, sorry for I cannot translate directly from Japanese to Chinese/English. My Japanese is not that good..... I promise I will learn Japanese in 2014 summer when I go back to taiwan!! The right hand side one was strewberry yogurt with biscuit. Three of them all tasted really nice!! I super recommand you guys who will visit the rokkatei main shop not just order the butter roll but also the other two!!! 


對了對了, 要提一點... 他們本店有提供免費的咖啡喝噢, 是為了要配合我們吃的甜點... 讓我不覺得那麼油膩, 日本人真的超級貼心的吧!!! 我們剛剛點的那三樣小點心都在冷藏室想裡頭噢~ 因為他們能保存的時效有限, 這就是為什麼這三樣一定要在店內或從冷藏拿出來開始計算一到兩個小時內一定要用完, 因為他們都是現成做的!! 他們的奶油酥卷那麼有名真的不是吹噓的噢, 而且一下子就被客人買光光, 他們就要馬上再做新鮮的! 

One thing need to mention here... In their main shop they provide free coffee to go with those desserts... let us do not feel too sweet and feel lighter while having the desserts, how sweet the Japanese are!! All the desserts that I ordered were in the fridge~ Because they are fresh-made, they cannot last long in the room temperature. It is the reason why we need to have them either in the shop or need to finish them within one to two hours since they have left the fridge!! The butter rolls sold out so quickly that after all of them were sold, they need to make more new ones and put them in the fridge! No wonder it is famous. 


看看這對可愛的日本夫妻, 在享用一美好的下午茶時光... 順便兩人約約會, 多好呢?? 

Look at this Japanese couple, enjoying a lovely afternoon tea... and a couple quality time, how nice?? 




----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rokkatei products--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



當我們餵飽了肚子之後, 再來就是要買買一些紀念品囉~~ 當然, 安妮媽媽負責採購, 安妮我就負責把店內的產品都搜集到相機裡頭, 讓我的相機也大啖美食啊!! 嘿嘿, 超棒的呀

When we finished feeding ourselves, we need to buy some suvenior~~ Obviously, Annie's mother was in charged to buy things, and I was ready for taking photos of their tasty product to feed my camera! he he, let my camera full of lovely and tasty food photos!! 


這個左上角的就是安妮當時收到的巧克力草莓喔! 這個包裝是為了迎合聖誕節呀!! 綠色包裝是黑巧克力, 紅色包裝是牛奶巧克力.  (附註. 草莓是真的有一整顆草莓在裡頭喔, 用巧克力包裹住)

On the top left hand side, was the chocolate strewberry that Annie received!! The packages were because of Christmas!! The green one was the strewberry with normal chocolate and the red one was with milk chocolate. (ps. there are real strewberries inside, those strewberries were covered by chocolate) 


這些是巧克力片, 我看到的第一個反應是, 感覺很像是在玩遊戲的那種硬幣... 哈哈哈, 超薄的噢~ 超可愛.... 也有很多口味, 我購入了右邊的那個, 有八種口味的!!

Those are chocolate flakes, the first reaction when I saw them, they looked like those coins we played games.... ha ha ha, they are really thin~ Super cute... many differnet tastes, I bought the right hand side one, there are 8 different flavours!! 


這個糖啊, 還蠻特別的. 裡面包的是酒, 不同顏色有不同口味的酒... 我當時沒有注意看, 也買了一盒. 因為覺得它的顏色很可愛..... 之後吃了才知道的~ 

This sweet is quite special because there are alcohol inside, different colour stands for different flavour.... I didn't notice when I bought it, I just thought it was cute... I just found out when I had them~ 


這個也是巧克力薄片, 不過是做成愛心形狀的... 哈哈, 送給心愛的人是不是超可愛又超貼心的? 送女生超適合!! 我想大部份的女生是拒絕不了巧克力的誘惑的  

This is also the chocolate falkes, but in heart shapes... haha, a good gift to give to the one you loved isn't it? So sweet and cute! I believe no girl will say no with chocolate  



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